CV Writing and Editing

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CV Writing and Editing

Your CV is often the first thing after your cover letter than a potential employer will look at. This is your chance to sell yourself and show the potential employer why they should choose you over the hundreds of other applicants.

It’s not enough to have an adequate CV any more. With more and more job seekers applying for each position, your CV needs to be the very best it can be.

Writing a CV isn’t something that comes naturally to most people. Knowing what to include, what to miss out and how to put it all together can be quite over whelming if you haven’t done it before.

Don’t worry, we can help!

Why is A CV Important?

Your CV is, or should be, a concise document that shows a potential employer who you are, what you’ve achieved and what skills you could bring to the role.

It’s important to grab the recruiter’s attention and hold onto it.

Your CV should provide provable examples rather than general statements. For example, you wouldn’t say “I’m good at sales.” You would say “I exceeded my annual sales target by 7%”.

Knowing tricks like this can be the difference between getting an interview or going in the reject pile.

How Can We Help?

Our writers all have recruitment backgrounds which mean they know all of the tricks of the industry. They know what will grab a recruiter’s attention for the right reasons and what won’t.

They will research the company you want to work for and ensure that your achievements are in line with the role, showcasing your relevant skills and making the recruiter want to meet you.

In short, they will make sure that document sells you without sounding braggy. 

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